Mei's Life
your beautiful name Hello! I'm Henny. Fill this small about me with your small about me. So looking forward the stories in my own world

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posted : Wednesday, February 8, 2012
title : YOU
The meeting was invisible to me losing my own feelings ... kept thinking of you, there is an interest that is so big ... Who are you ...?
Day after day, week to week, even month to month, you make me feel there is something different from you ..
In the end, the meeting into something tangible and intangible ...
With a little peek of my feelings
I tried to stop it
Trying to dismissed
Trying to let go
Until I get tired for all this.
until I said "Henny ... Wake up!"
You forget who he is, who you are, who the people who are around you
The more I tried to remove it, the more weight I let it go
The more I tried to forget it, the more difficult ...
Now ...
all that remains is ...
Your little story is still a trace in my memory
Life story is still ringing in my ears
Life story that you tell me
Secrets and surprises life
All that is left only in my memory
and ...
Carefull sense to you only to the extent of the island of Borneo alone ...
I love you
in advance of how you feel
I love you
first of what we've missed
Long before the meeting
I've let myself love you
Without a reply ...
Without a rush ...
Without a compulsion ...

Is not that love does not have to have ...?
Is not your life story and my life ... and the meeting ....
And ... now ...
Only a small part of my memories ...
Too simple for love
Too simple to forget
Let my heart melt with time
Only in that way is ...
I survived to the present
Stood up to face the coming days
Stand up straight to see you through your life
Without you understand the love of a girl
Yes ... only in this way ....
Take care of yourself ...

Just behind a ...


posted : Friday, February 3, 2012
title : Tell Him
This song is sung by professional singers in 1997, so it's a very long time to look back on this track ...

Just enjoy it guys...

I'm scared So afraid to show I care Will he think me weak If I tremble when I speak Oooh - what if There's another one he's thinking of Maybe he's in love I'd feel like a fool Life can be so cruel I don't know what to do

I've been there With my heart out in my hand But what you must understand You can't let the chance To love him pass you by

Tell him Tell him that the sun and moon Rise in his eyes Reach out to him And whisper Tender words so soft and sweet I'll hold him close to feel his heart beat Love will be the gift you give yourself

Touch him (ooohh) With the gentleness you feel inside(I feel it) Your love can't be denied The truth will set you free You'll have what's meant to be All in time you'll see
ooohh I love him(then show him) Of that much I can be sure(hold him close to you) I don't think I could endure If I let him walk away When I have so much to say
Tell him Tell him that the sun and moon Rise in his eyes Reach out to him And whisper Tender words so soft and sweet Hold him close to feel his heart beat Love will be the gift you give yourself

Love is light that surely glows In the hearts of those who know It's a steady flame that grows (oh ooh oh oh) Feed the fire with all the passion you can show Tonight love will assume its place This memory time cannot erase Your faith will lead love where it has to go

Tell him Tell him that the sun and moon Rise in his eyes Reach out to him And whisper Whisper words so soft and sweet Hold him close to feel his heart beat Love will be the gift you give yourself

ooh ooh ooh Never let him go

By Celine Dion & Barbara Streisand

posted : Thursday, February 2, 2012
title : Each person can pursue their dream
Moving OUT...
or just daydreaming...?

To move from home to another city or even no longer lived in the country of origin into a single decision and a big step that I dreamed of before ...
Because I never want to settle in Pontianak City continuously ...
although many people say that Pontianak is a nice place to live, not difficult to survive and earn more...
But I think that young people should be moved from this city to look for more challenging opportunities
Finally, I make a desperate decision to move when I was a student
I think after I graduated high school, I will lecture in Jakarta or other big cities
But for one reason or another, that dream finally had time to fade .. and I am very compelled lecture in this place, spent the days of my youth in Pontianak
I went to college and service in the church, became a keyboardist and other services
I was through the day at my workplace, shaped into a more mature person
Because in my workplace is an environment of Christians who helped guide me
Being a sister for students in Christian schools
That's where my faith is formed
Finished college, I gave up my job and I took a long sabbatical. Think to move and continue to S2 in the different studies. Or if it is not yet the time, I think to work. But the dream was dashed away, stick with the same reasons as before.
Coming home from vacation, I returned to try to put a job application at some places. At that time I just thought it would work at the Bank. But during one month of no change, and negotiation are given in the Bank is too high.
Finally it looks like I started to give up in my prayers. Only the brave dare I quit the capital without any know where I should go, where I will be working. And quiet ... One time, my friend informed me that there are private companies that require employees. I received ... And until now I still work in this place. I am grateful that God never remain silent, and He just asked me to be patient. One month is enough time for the unemployed, and God has answered my prayers ..
In short, I am still working and that dream was never separated from me, although I have had a good position in this job.
I still have the urge to lecture in other places I even want to try to apply for study abroad. Although now 24 years old, but the passion for college remains. My friend "Sophia" once said to think better about my plan. For her, as far as wherever we go, the family still preferred. I agree with her, but there's one desire is too strong .. Am I stubborn? hehehehe ..
In the past two years, I always to Jakarta in Lunar moment .. and this year is the year's most memorable. lately, with the fad, I utter a sentence "if only ...."
And not long from the time, because my mom still in Tanger
ang, she called me.. and discuss with me about something. And this is the thing that never occurred to me before in a state of fun .. Does God answer my prayers? Because I believe that He hears my prayers .. God who never remain silent, God who has ears to hear, the Lord who has a soft heart to love me ...
And what does this mean I'm getting closer to my dream ...?

posted : Tuesday, January 31, 2012
title : Flash back on little stories
This morning...

Today Megalein back to Kuala Lumpur in the long term
Because she was on the study there
There is a sense of loss when one of the dancers are not with us anymore
I know her from her childhood ...
When she was little, she was very unstable, immature and very spoiled
But I see growth in her life
Although it is still not very mature in deciding a decision
But she still had to learn independently
She was one of dancer are excited, her dance movement is very good...
So when she told me that she would return to Indonesia for a
long time ago and she asked permission from me to dance, I immediately allow ...
I am very happy if the dancers are still eager to dance although we don't have much time anymore...

And I really hope Megalein still dancing in different places than here
She still will dance with a beautiful
Because God gives the best talent in hers
So, keep yourself Meg ...
We'll dance together again on another occasion

In other stories...

This morning
until this afternoon
I, Sophia, Christie and Wiwik included in the conference
Talk about their home schedule to Indonesia
Usually Sophia will go home each December
Christie plans this year will return in summer
Sophia told me that I really know well the schedule of her return t
o Indonesia
Of course .. because she regularly returned to Indonesia
Uh Oh..I really can not wait to meet with them


I am
redecorating my room ...
Collecting any photos that exist
Much memory is stored in it
The photos are precious like dancing photos, along with family photos, photos with friends ...
found two precious greeting cards from my friend who is in Singapore today "Sophia"
Christmas card from 2004 and 2005
There is a valuable message in it
Last year, she still gave the prayer and support to me
I do really miss her ...

So cannot wait for the time, the 'REUNI TIME'

posted : Monday, January 30, 2012
title : L O V E
What is L O V E... ?
What is C A R E... ?
What is S H A R E... ?

How about this sentences


A simple word, right... ?
But a meaningfull word

My life is fulfill by love and joy
I really give thanks for all the people around me that love me and care of me
Although I don't give enough love yet for them...

How about a man.. ?
Love between a man and a woman
Will it happened for each people in this world... ?

Will the human think Love can not find in some places, in some ways...
It will happened suddenly in your heart
Without nobody realize it
Like a candle in silence
Without nobody can hear the wispered of the heart
And the candle glow n shine as fast as the sun...
That time people realized that


posted : Sunday, January 29, 2012
title : The Beginning of 2012

Besok adalah hari terakhir bulan Januari 2012...
hmm... permulaan yang baik untuk tahun ini..

Dimulai dengan tahun baru yang kulewati bersama dengan keluarga..
Ada rasa kekeluargaan
Ada rasa persahabatan
Ada kehangatan...

Banyak sudah yang kami lalui di tahun 2011, banyak pergumulan dan tidak sedikit kesalahpahaman terjadi, tetapi semua sudah kami lewati dengan baik..

Keluarga merupakan tempat terhangat dan teraman yang pernah saya miliki sampai sekarang ini...
Keluarga menjadi tempat untuk mencurahkan semua uneg" yang ada..

How about you guys ^^ ...

Lewat dari tanggal 1, tiap taun pasti saatnya menunggu tanggal 13 Januari.. My Birthday..

Tahun ini saya mendapatkan banyak sekali doa, permohonan dan dukungan penuh dari keluarga dan teman-teman di sekitar... 
Bukan hanya diingat oleh orang terdekat tetapi juga dari teman yang jauh, yang tidak pernah bertatap muka sebelumnya... 
So really big thankful for them... Thanks a lot ... *bighugs

Lepas dari itu semua, moment Imlek adalah moment yang ditunggu-tunggu.. 
Moment berkumpulnya keluargaku..
Akhirnya saya dan mama trip ke Tanggerang..

Tanggerang kota yang panas, tetapi kota yang indah, kota yang rapi...
Saya menyukai kehidupan di tanggerang...
Saya berharap suatu hari bisa moving out ke Tanggerang...

Especially for 24th January 2012.., the unforgettable memory ..

I met three of people from My Partner in work.. 

Selama ini kita hanya berkomunikasi secara online, tanpa mengenal satu sama lain...
Ketika bertemu, adanya satu kesan yang baik, persahabatan yang hangat ...
Sering terjadi kesalahpahaman diakibatkan kami tidak mengenal baik satu sama lain dan hanya menebak-nebak saja...
Tetapi setelah bertemu, pemikiran pun menjadi berubah...
Pertemuan singkat tetapi pertemuan yang tidak akan pernah terlupakan...

Tidak tahu bagaimanakah kesan mereka terhadap saya, tetapi jauh dari semuanya itu, saya sangat terkesan..

Waktu tetap berjalan...
Hei guys, times run fast right??!!


So I can say too "I will run as fast as I can, balanced with You.."

When I miz the sweetest moment in my Life, can I ask God to reply that ?...

posted :
title : New Life
Hi guys, this is my new blog.. created by Megalein Lo..
So thankful for her that try hard to create this blog...

You have to looking forward to her blog too in my links..

So.. enjoy it Guys, just check it out...
I have so many stories in my wonderful life, a lots of joy and love around me...

Warm Regards,